keep your yard free of leaves with atlas lawn care

What Should Your Fall Lawn Treatment Schedule Look Like?

There are several factors involved in maintaining a healthy lawn. One of the most important is having a seasonal treatment schedule to ensure that your lawn and entire yard look their best.

At Atlas Lawn Care, we know that the start of cooler weather doesn’t signal the end of your home’s lawn care needs.

Fall is one of the best times to fertilize your lawn. It’s a good idea to give your lawn one application in the early fall and another one sometime in late November.

At Atlas Lawn Care, we take great care to formulate the right  fertilizer  combination for your lawn, appropriate to the fall season. 


Your grass will grow faster in cooler weather. This makes fall an ideal time to aerate your lawn. Aerating is done by digging small holes in the lawn’s surface so that air, water and nutrients can seep into the roots.

Grass that has been treated all the way to the root through aeration grows stronger and healthier. It also helps to loosen compacted soil. One note however, a lawn that’s been seeded or sodded within the last year shouldn’t be aerated.


Your lawn will probably need to be mowed more frequently throughout the fall. This task can be complicated by a marked increase in the number of falling leaves in your yard.

Leaves can be raked, which can be time-consuming, or mowed over several times until they are small enough to blend into your lawn and decompose. If leaves are raked, they’ll need to be composted as well.


Here in the Midwest, most grass varieties grow best when the temperature dips below 75 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes fall the right time to overseed. This involves planting grass seeds directly into the existing turf without tearing up the surface.

Overseeding in the fall pays off in the spring with a fuller, greener lawn with little to no bare spots.


Perennial weeds are the most common type of weed in Indiana. They are flowering weeds that can live for many seasons. They’re the bane of every lawn, but can be kept at bay.

As the weather cools down, these weeds start to go dormant in preparation for winter. This makes fall the ideal time to tackle them. The right herbicides can eliminate any weeds marring the appearance of your lawn.

With  Atlas Lawn Care, you can rest assured that we know how to handle and apply lawn care products safely and effectively. We’re fully certified in the state of Indiana in the application of fertilizer as well as weed, insect and disease control products. 

Don’t take chances with your fall lawn treatment schedule. Let Atlas Lawn Care  handle it for you. The right preparation this fall will lead to a beautiful lawn next spring and for many years to come. 

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